Guide for Authors

Tutorial Videos 

Author Guide Video

Reviewer Guide Video

Editor Guide Video 


Editorial Policy

  • The Journal considers for publication original communications in the different fields of medicine and medical sciences.
  • Articles are accepted for consideration with the understanding that, except for abstracts, no part of the data has been published, or will be submitted for publication elsewhere, before appearing here.
  • The Journal does not hold itself responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in the Journal reflect the views of the author (s) and not the official policy of the Journal.
  • The ethical aspects of published studies, indicating that human subjects have given informed consent, are the responsibility of the author.
  • Although all advertising material is expected to conform to ethical standards, acceptance does not imply endorsement by the Journal.


Journal categories

Editorials will present the opinions of leaders in different medical specialties.

Original articles in clinical or laboratory investigation will be considered for publication. Case reports may be published.

Continuing medical education articles are acknowledged.  Qualified specialists in medical education are invited to submit articles of common medical interest.

Correspondence letters to the Editor relating to recently published material are welcome, provided they are submitted in duplicate, signed by all authors, typewritten in double spacing and do not exceed 40 typewritten lines (excluding references).



Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate to the Editor. The typed manuscript should be double-spaced on good quality non-erasable paper with liberal margins. The pages should be arranged and numbered in the following order: title page, abstract, key words, text, references, figure legends, and tables. The title page should include the title and subtitle of the article, the authors’ names and academic degrees, hospital and academic affiliations, and an address for editorial correspondence. The title should be concise and descriptive of the paper’s contents. Manuscripts will not be considered as components of a series.



Each article should include a brief abstract (150 words) describing the procedures and significant results of the study. The abstract should be self-contained (not an introduction).Excessive use of abbreviations should be avoided.


Key words:

Authors should supply a list of up to four key words not appearing in the title, which may be used for indexing.



The text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. The Introduction should describe the purpose of the study and its relation to previous work in the field; it should not include an extensive literature review. Methods should be concise but sufficiently detailed to permit repetition by other investigators. Previously published methods and modifications should be cited by reference. Results should present positive and relevant negative findings of the study, supported when necessary by reference to tables and figures. Discussion should interpret the results of the study, with emphasis on their relation to the original hypothesis and previous studies.



Acknowledgment of those who contributed to the research or preparation of the paper should follow the text.



Only essential references should be included, and authors should verify them against the original documents. The “Vancouver” style is used: references should be numbered and listed consecutively at the end of the manuscript in the order in which they appeared in the text. References should include: names and initials of all authors (unless more than 6, when only the first 3 are given followed by et al.); the title of the paper; the journal title abbreviated as in Index Medicus; year of publication; volume number; first and last page numbers. References to books should give the book title, place of publication, publisher and year; those of multiple authorship should also include the chapter title, first and last page numbers, and the names and initials of editors. For example:


1.Amer MH, El-Akkad S: Gastro-intestinal lymphoma in adults: clinical features  and  management of 300 cases. Gastro-enterology 1994; 106:840-43.


2.Adams RD, Victor M: Principles of Neurology, 6th ed . New York, Mc Graw- Hill, 1997; chap 47, p 1370.          

Chapters in books:

3.Reitz B: Heart and heart-lung transplantation, in Heart Disease, 5th ed., E Braunwald (ed), Philadelphia, Saunders, 1997; p 515.



Should be numbered in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. Each table with its brief title should be on a separate page. Vertical rules should not be used.


Figures and legends:

Glossy un-mounted prints should be submitted in triplicate in a separate envelope backed by cardboard. Each figure should be numbered on the back (Arabic) according to order of mention in the text. The first author’s name, a short title of the paper, and an arrow indicating the top of the figure (use only soft lead pencil) should be delineated. Illustrations should be prepared and submitted in sizes that can be reduced to one column width or 3 inches.


Photographs, rather than original art or photocopies, should be provided. All lettering should be done professionally and should be of adequate size to retain clarity after reduction.

Line drawings. Original art should be prepared with black India ink and should be photographically reproduced.

Photomicrographs. Reduction of photomicrographs will be kept to a minimum if originals are submitted in appropriate sizes. Magnification bars should be provided and calibrated in the legend.

Color. The cost of color reproduction will be borne by the author. An estimate will be provided before the illustration is processed.

Legends. Legends should be typed double-spaced on a separate page, with all abbreviations and symbols appearing on the illustration described. 


Review and publication


Manuscripts are evaluated byseveral expert reviewers assigned by the editors. Provisional or final acceptance is based on originality, scientific content, and presentation. All communications pertinent to the Medical Journal of Ahmed Maher Teaching Hospital will be by letter only.


Copy editing:

When the revised manuscript is returned to the Editorial Office, it will be edited for consistency of style, clarity and correct grammatical construction.

Manuscripts should conform to acceptable English usage when submitted. Use of abbreviations should be kept to an absolute minimum. Abbreviated phrases should be written out at first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Please refer to the Journal of Biological Chemistry “Instructions to Authors”for standard units of measure and chemical nomenclature. Generic names of drugs should be used.


Proofs. Authors will receive galley proofs. Changes limited to correction of typographical errors or errors in the presentation of data can be made.

Publication. After accepted, manuscripts will be published generally within four months. Authors can help to accelerate publication by promptly attending to revisions and adhering to the guidelines described here.

Costs to authors. A charge of LE 20 per printed page will be made.

Reprints. Reprints of articles will be furnished to authors when ordered in advance of publication. An order form showing the costs of reprints is sent to the author with galley proofs.